I’m planning to do a test run on the new 1/2 barrel system this weekend to feel out my efficiency %. Well, if that darn BarleyCrusher ever shows up? I’m was wanting to do something cheap and basic so I’m gonna go with a simple semi-hoppy American Brown around 1.050 and 30-50 ibu. I’ve only done a couple of English Brown ales over the years and used mainly UK hops. Does anyone have a good hop combinations ideas that work well for this style?
My American brown uses a combo of Tettnanger, Columbus, and Chinook. I’m a big fan of combining Amwerican and German hops for American styles.
‘Hop me please’ is that a euphamism?! I had to do a doubletake… I thought it said hump me please…
+1 for german and american hop combo
ehall, you need to speak to this guy ;D
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Yes, but how do you feel about the cigar?
I don’t like cigars, they don’t make me feel good… at all.
You came to a beer forum & thought it said “hump”?
oh come on, it was funny
Yeah, who would use that kind of language here? :
I hope it was supposed to be funny.
You’re supposed to smoke 'em.
Well, getting back to the question, I like Willamette in my American browns. Yum!
I agree with the Willamettes.
Nuggets are also a pretty good option.
My LHBS was out of just about everything I wanted except Willamette. I ended up going with this odd kitchen sink concoction to about 46 IBU.
Galena/Willamette @60min
…We’ll C Saturday?
I use Palisade, Vanguard and Willamette in mine.