I recently purchased a large amount of hops via the internet. I have received them and have since realized my freezer doesn’t have enough room, unless I piss off the woman by getting rid of something unimportant like food. So, I have 2 lbs of hops in sealed barrier bags that won’t fit in my freezer. They are in sealed barrier bags, vacuum packed, and no worries about light. Will they keep in my cool garage? (average around 45-50*) Do they have to be frozen, in order to preserve freshness? I have not opened them and won’t until I use them.
I’m in the same situation. Search “hop storage index chart” to get room-storage numbers for your calculations, it’s been studied.
You can repackage them with a food saver - I find they are easier to fit in the freezer that way (a bunch of slim packages that can be tucked in various places) than in one or two big bags.
Just remind her that hops are food!
Colder is better. I agree with Tom that repackaging in smaller bags might help. Or stuff them way in the back and hide them behind something else.
I have somewhere between 5 and 10 lbs in the freezer and my wife does not get too upset when they come tumbling out. Frozen bags of wort, on the other hand…
I really need a large dedicated fridge/freezer in the basement.
Precisely! That’s why this is a perfect opportunity for the OP to justify a new gear purchase.
I will, and soon, but need a new motor in my truck first. Thanks, guys
You are screwed. They are a lost cause. Send them to me.