Hop talk

I’m really interested to know everyone’s top three favorite hop varieties and why (at least one adjective).
And if you have one, your favorite combination including commercial blends.
Bonus points if you respond in Haiku form.

Oh yes, well… perhaps I should start.

  1. Columbus- versatile
  2. Amarillo- strong finisher
  3. Mt. Hood-  subtle, spicier, clean

rising above my twohearted,
the smell of hops in the morning.

sharply cutting the evening sun
while my ribeye sizzles.

malt and the setting sun,
barleywine, full belly, contentment.

(well, pretty freeform for haiku, in fact pretty sad, but the hops shine)


All noble finishing hops in my opinion.  I would have to say that I don’t really have a favorite bittering hop, Their contribution is typically muted and the biggest issue with them is if they screw up the flavor.

Hallertau and it’s varieties

Northern Brewer
Wye Challenger

If I only had three.

Hallertua - Great for most Lagers
Columbus - Versatile bittering hop used in many American Ales
Amarillo - Floral and citrusy, very flavorful and aromatic

My top 3 are:
Styrian goldings, which are typical for the belgian styles I like to brew. I like the subtle flavor, and I think they have good aroma

Hallertau, can’t stay away from this one, it’s in almost all my beers. Favorite in my wheats.

Tettnang, its a great compliment to both the Styrian and Hallertau. Great aroma

Tettnanger brings spicy aromas
And Columbus in beer makes me smile
Let’s not forget smooth Magnum

EKG - love the floral, subtle flavor in my English style beers.
Mt. Hood - my Hallertaur sub go-to (although I do love Hallertauer Mitt when I can get it)
Saaz - nothing better on a hot day than a saazy bopils

EKG’s and Northern Brewer are honorable mentions.  :wink:

CTZ (dank)
Amarillo (best citrus)
Simcoe (piney)

For Alts I like Spalt or GR Select (obviously) so even if its not my favorite hop it is essential to have on hand, nothing else seems to do the trick.

Really dig Crystal for its noble qualities and unique lemon character

Use a lot of French Strisselspalt for its spiciness and floral qualities

man, 3 is pretty limiting. I mean, I use 6 varietals in my IPA alone.

gun to my head:

Simcoe - pineycitrusyfruity (one word, right)
Columbus - dank
Tettnang -noble-spicy

I think I could make everything I needed to make if I had only those three.

but given 5 slots, Centennial and Amarillo are right there too.

I like to stay domestic…

Mt Hood - I use where “noble” hops are called for (German, Belgian, etc.)
Willamette - for English/Irish etc.
Cascade - for 'merican brews

…now in reality, I also keep Magnum for bittering, Centennial and Amarillo for variety but that obviously puts me over three :slight_smile:


CTZ - versatile & high Alpha
Chinook - the more I use them, the more I like them
Perle - I dunno, it just has something I like that Hallertauer doesn’t

Saaz- Gotta have my Czech Pils
Cascade- love the aroma/taste in a PA
Chinook- hey, I’m a hop head from the Yakima Valley

Amarillo and Citra ----both used together make an excellent APA – 55 / 45 / 25 / 7

Kent Goldings —because they go into my favorite beers ( Milds and Bitters)