Since it came up in the Oyster Stout post I thought I would make an ingredient post on the subject.
I have brewed a beer using Horesradish Root (peeled).
I prepped the root by peeling and slicing paper thin using a razor blade.
Seems like it was on the order of 1/4 to 1/3 cup of root slices.
I then covered them in a pint canning jar with Everclear for a week long soak.
The everclear tincture was added to the Secondary.
There was some heat derived from the root in the venue of peppery/radish heat style.
Taste of the beer at the last sampling was a forward note of Turnip root.
So If you like sliced turnips this beer ingredient is for you.
It sounds like something I would make just to torment the local competition staff in the SHV and specialty categories. A very good way to never have to judge them.
I love fresh Horseradish. My grandfather grew it in his garden and would grind it when it was ready. It would almost make the house unbearable to be in during that time, but the buzz from the finished product was unbelievable! My brother now lives in the house and the root is still there. Every Thanksgiving he brings some down to NC to grind and it is such a happy time. Just thought I’d share since I have had a few pints!
Horseradish traditions. I Love it!!! I have some growing in my garden that originated from my great grandfather’s garden. Who knows where it came from before then? Every time I grind it I think about the heritage. It does feel good!