I could totally do this... NOT

Russian Archer - Fast Draw and Shoot

I could totally do this… snert

THat’s just outstanding. What do you think? Do you have other vids of amazing feats that make you jealous?

I don’t know if I’d want to do that!

That looks like it could be painful.

I’d probably shoot myself.  :smiley:

Yeah but her accuracy was for sh!t.

If the hoards were attacking my castle, I think I would let her have her way…
She would let her presence be known by many…

I totally want to go the the Renaissance fair with her!  :-*

Wow.  Lots of time spent in half a basketball gym in winter I am guessing.

Elf needs food, badly.

Watch the drummer. He’s my hero!

This guy is one of my all time favorite musicians… amazing!!

Another thing I learned from this thread is that there’s a whole subculture of girls in bikini tops shooting bows…

And she’s a redhead too!

Half of the boys in Troop 65 play ukulele.  They all want to be [u]Jake Shimabukuro[/u]

Ukes are very popular here.  Jake is amazing.  I’ve met him.  He is just a regular (kind & friendly) young man, until you put an uke in his hands…

Gauntlet? Many quarters disappeared into that game in my youth.

Heres one I could totally NOT do.

Mine too :slight_smile:

malformed video ID

[quote]malformed video ID


nope, no thank you


that’s insane…