I expect Spring Mushrooms any day

C’mon lil Morels…Poke yer selves up thru the soil so I can find you
and EAT you… :stuck_out_tongue:

I suspect most of the U.S. is either in full swing or the season is already fin.
Anybody find good Morels this year?

Denny…I should come visit you and have you guide me to a Chanty patch
this fall…

Are you a …
  • Micophobe
  • Micophage
  • Water dweller with no knowledge of mushrooms
0 voters

We only have a couple small ones on our property, but our neighbors find so many that they bring over lbs. at a time!

Came over the hill on the way home
and harvested some huge blowdown snag USFS cut out of road first class silver barkless 120 year old fir,

OH…and a little of THIS for dinner ;D


The days fresh bolettes,
and the first Chanty of the season! :o

Life is good on the Peoples Forest.


NICE. pinnah I appreciate the heads up. with all the beetle kill, I am not sure what to expect
for fall mushrooms. looks promising. :wink:

I don’t eat mushrooms I find growing here.  We destroy them.  Ugly little white things, look like Death Caps.

Yum, boletes!  Still too dry here for fall shrooms.  Maybe in a few more weeks.

ahhhhhhhhhhhh… i remember mushrooms…

My wife and I have about 25 lbs of hawk wing and about 30 lbs of boletes in the freezer.  It’s was a good season here in CO

Pinnah, I stumbled upon these…

and alice would like these for a journey to wonderland…but I just wanted em for the photo op
Not for human consumption…

Nice shrooms!  Well, except for the amanitas.  But they’re pretty.

8)  What a great time of year.

The monsoon has shut off for a bit here now,
time to get a second swath.

What do you call the white ones you got there?

Wicked beautiful the poison fresh caps red and white spotted.

Those are “pine mushrooms” technically "Tricholoma magnivelare "
otherwise known as matsutake.  only under old growth lodgepole with some open spaces/brush
mixed in…they are almost subterranial. Smell like spice…vaguely of cinnamon.
I put my finds on here for the world to see…


The flesh is more like a water chestnut/vegetable…firm. These are destined for the sautee skillet with a pinch
of sea salt cooked hot in butter till crispy golden.


What I used to consider a safe mushroom to eat has been given alert status as one to



Be careful out there!


Denny, get any chanterelles yet???

Went looking last weekend, but the path to our patch is so overgrown that I’ve got to do some trail work before we can see if there are any there.  But when I went to the Farmer’s Market yesterday there were tons for sale (along with some killer lobster mushrooms), so I know it’s time to get out there.


I like these… Sorry, I have resisted as long as I could.  ;D

Ruben, you need to relax!

Lunch today…mmmmm…sauteed…