I must be getting old

Don’t get me wrong, I love to brew and all things beer. I guess I’m just getting old and tired. I wish I had an assistant brewer! I design the recipe, my assistant does all the meis en place, I come in and stir in the mash, recirc, etc. add the hops at the appropriate time, then pitch the yeast when at the correct temp, then let the AB clean up the whole mess! They have a Food Network…why not a Beer Network on TV? I’m just sayin’…

Be careful what you wish for.  I’ve had people who wanted to learn to brew so I tech them.  I used to have my computer tech hand mill the 40 pounds of grain for the Imperial stout, then pretty much do all the crap work.  I don’t encourage anyone to brew with me anymore.  I really would rather brew alone, that’s my quiet time, time to reflect on everything or absolutely nothing at all if I want.

Bob, if you’re old, what does that make me?  I’m not sure I want an answer to that!

An old hipie?  ;D

At the very least!  :wink:

Totally.  Would rather brew alone.  Sounds like you need to improve and/or upgrade your brewhouse, Bob!

I’ve thought about hiring a cellar boy. Someone to treat brewing water, weigh out the grains and hops. Transfer beers to conditioning and carbonate.  Clean kegs and brew equipment.  I will pay handsomely via peanuts and pints of delicious homebrew.  ;D