I’ve made quite a few English Porters, and all have ranged from acceptable to pretty good. But I can honestly say I’ve never made a great one. Not for the lack of trying.
Goal: It’s always good to have an endgame in mind, so what am I after exactly? My idea for an English Porter is something that falls in the cookie-biscuit-caramel-toffee-chocolate range. Can be a bit sweet but not overly so, with noticeable body and mouthfeel. Hops are there just to balance the malt, not for show. English yeast esters are fine, if they show up. NO roast or coffee, as those are for Stouts in my opinion.
So how do I get there? My thoughts are…
Grain Bill: I’ve tried many combinations, some grists far simpler than others, some quite complex. I haven’t found complexity to necessarily give me better or worse results, just different. But I have found that some malts do not move the needle in the direction I’m trying to go…C120/Melanoidin/Special B/Roasted Barley/Carafas/High L Chocolates/Black. On the other hand, Brown Malt (Crisp) has been a step in the right direction, as has Pale Chocolate, still the only Chocolate Malt that I get clear notes of Chocolate from.
Hops: EKG, Fuggles, Bramling Cross, Pilgrim, Northern Brewer. Not sure it matters much here. I’m just looking for some bitterness to balance the grain bill, not to stick my nose in the ground. :) Magnum would be fine.
Yeast: The best Porters I have made were with Windsor, 1450 and 1968. By far the worst Porter I made was with Notty. For me, it was a mouthfeel thing as opposed to any of the yeasts contributing any noticeable esters. Notty just left nothing to chew on, if you get my point.
Water: Lean into Cl and mash around 5.5pH.
Process: I usually just mash around 152. I can’t buy into a grain bill like this getting mashed high for body purposes. My experience is that that is the yeast’s job, but I’m willing to listen. Keg to around 2-2.25 vols and serve a bit warmer, if possible, say 45°F minimum.
To that end, the blueprint for my next attempt is below. Any comments are appreciated. Straighten me out!
SRM - 25
ABV - 5%
74% Maris Otter
11% Medium British Crystal (≈55-60L)
8% Crisp Brown
8% Pale Chocolate (220L)
(Other grains on hand that might be useful: 10L Munich, 20L Munich, Victory, Torrified Wheat, Flaked Oats and Flaked Barley)
≈ 30 IBU’s (I have Pilgrim or Magnum on hand)
WY1028 (Already purchased and unfortunately there’s no going back here)