Five days ago I brewed a Russian stout, an extract kit from More Beer, with S-04. The OG range is 1.074-91. According to my Tilt hydrometer, my OG was 1.092. I set my fermenter at 62 for the first three days, then increased it to 63 yesterday. The gravity level has dropped fast and steadily. This morning the Tilt registered 1.034 and it was producing about one bubble/six seconds. I pulled about six oz. of spent yeast, and to my surprise, the airlock bubbles increased to one bubble for every two seconds. The gravity level dropped thirteen points in seven hours to 1.021. That’s already an ABV above 9.0! Should I be concerned?
I don’t see anything to be concerned about.
Thanks, Denny. How long should I hold the temp at 63?
The Yeast book by White and Zainashef recommends raising the temperature by 4 - 10 degrees F over one to two days when 1/4 - 1/3 of the fermentation remains. It’s been working well for me.
I generally hold it 4-5 days, then raise to 70-72. With your OG it may take a bit longer before raising temp.
Very helpful information, Neuse and Denny! Thanks a lot!