Anybody have any experience with this yeast? Worth giving a shot. If its anything like the Oktoberfest lager yeast(WLP820) I wont touch it with a 10 foot poll. I like the Bock or Hella Bock yeast generally for my oktoberfests but am always looking to try new things.
Ordered a pack of this. Gona brew and Oktoberfest toward the end of March and split the batch between WY2633 and my usual Hella Bock yeast strain I use.
Ill report back with results!
won second best of show twice in two local competitions (after I had considered the beer past its peak, too), one of which was an Oktoberfest only competition. I consider the yeast blend the secret ingredient.
Well, not so secret anymore.
Great! Look forward to comparing it directly with Hella Bock.
I used it in an Octoberfest last year and was very happy with the results.