I have some leftover hops from my last few brews and i want to use them up before they go bad. Anyone have any good ideas what i could use with 1 1/2 oz styrian golding 1/2 oz fuggles and 1oz northendown that would be good?
If they are vacuum sealed and in the freezer, they will keep for a long time.
But depending on the alpha %, you could make a nice Belgian pale, bitter with the fuggles and northdown, flavor/aroma with the styrian goldings.
That sounds pretty tasty what grains would you suggest to make that with
Sounds like you could make a good ESB with those hops. Northdown for bittering, Fuggles for Flavor, and Styrian Goldings at Flameout. Maybe same some Goldings for dryhop.
All of my stouts lately have been using a bittering addition using Styrian Goldings. Always turns out good.
If you do a Belgian pale, I’d go with something simple. Maybe 70% Belgian pale malt, 25% Vienna, 5% crystal of some sort. Aim for OG 1.050 ish, or even up to 1.060. It’s your call. I’d use the Wyeast Ardennes yeast.
Gordon Strong has what looks like a pretty good recipe for a Belgian Pale Ale (The King) in his latest book. I plan to brew that one when I get home. The hops are different but the grain bill is close to what tschmidlin suggests. Oh, and Gordon suggests WLP Antwerp Ale yeast (a seasonal one) which is fairly sublime as far as “Belgiany” flavors go so the Wyeast Ardennes will make a more yeast driven beer.