Can not be overstated, hands down, over the top, had to be there, beyond reasonable doubt… most disgusting horrendous beverage I’ve ever tried.
Aroma: what the?
Appearance: bug killer
Flavor: inescapable fake grapefruit pitch and unwashed hands overly handled skins, which lingers on and on and on… even Listerine won’t touch it.
Mouthfeel: I can’t feel my mouth, or wait… hey, who’s been feeling my mouth, and could someone tell them to please wash their hands next time?
Overall: give it a try, maybe you’ll like it
Not surprised, man. Their lemon summer shandy isn’t much better. Fake ‘lemonade’ flavored ‘beer’.
One of the best beer reviews evar!
The Pledge Shandy is heaven compared to this Mr Clean version
Recommended food pairing: potted meat and a nice rhubarb salad. Or anything that tastes better coming back up
May 26, 2016, 1:40am
That is an even better part to the review. I’ll have to remember this when someone asks me to try this “brew”
May 26, 2016, 10:21am
klickitat jim:
Can not be overstated, hands down, over the top, had to be there, beyond reasonable doubt… most disgusting horrendous beverage I’ve ever tried.
Aroma: what the?
Appearance: bug killer
Flavor: inescapable fake grapefruit pitch and unwashed hands overly handled skins, which lingers on and on and on… even Listerine won’t touch it.
Mouthfeel: I can’t feel my mouth, or wait… hey, who’s been feeling my mouth, and could someone tell them to please wash their hands next time?
Overall: give it a try, maybe you’ll like it
Thanks for getting the word out. This can be said about all of Leinenkugel fruit beers. Horrifying.
May 26, 2016, 10:52am
This can be said about all Leinenkugel beers.
If you’re looking for a similar experience try Shiner’s Poteet Strawberry beer. It tastes like a Fruit Roll Up vomited into a Bud Light.
A slight improvement on a Bud Light then?
May 26, 2016, 2:05pm
Give me a Canoe Paddler or Helles Yeah, and keep me away from their fruit efforts.
Yeah in the sense that it adds a little more flavor I guess that’s true. But if I had to pick between Michelob Ultra and Shiner Poteet Strawberry I think I’d go with the Ultra. I’d rather go with less flavor than more of one that I don’t like.
Are we sure this can fairly be called beer?
It’s pretty debateable. I don’t see much difference between their ‘shandys’ and the Mike’s hard-type ‘malt beverages’. To each his own, I guess.
(Joe Sr.)
May 27, 2016, 3:14pm
The real question here is why in the world did Jim even try it?
I’m not even sure I would offer it to guests.
Wife’s friend asked her to pick some up for her. Wife poured herself one, and handed to me. One wiff, one sip, thats all it too.
I had the same question. Had to double check what forum I was on.
May 29, 2016, 2:23pm
I had to look this one up. Thanks for the gag reflex Jim!
Yeah, kinda makes you want to be a vegetarian. Temporarily anyway.