Low O2 Quick Reference Sheet

I did a quick writeup about the quick reference sheet I put together some time ago. As I complete the revision to the main brewing spreadsheet and go back to No-Sparge only capability, this sheet may come in handy for those who are still sparging as well as those who don’t want to do some of the calculations by hand:


Hope you find it useful.

Thanks Derrick.

Is the main sheet fully re-updated and ready to go now too?

Nope. Not yet. I’m deciding how I’m going to approach it. I’m definitely scaling it back, and unfortunately for all the spargers out there, that function is going away in favor of just No-Sparge.

I’m working on it this week and just trying to see how I am going to approach everything. Going back to the multipage format is quite the project.

Bah.  I’m blocked at work.

Kudos to you and Bryan for all the work and all the sharing of info.


We are working on that. It has something to do with how we are categorized in the search engines.

I am hoping that the revision 6 of the Low Oxygen spreadsheet will be more user friendly. It will have the all the good parts of the separate water spreadsheet as well, which I’m looking to retire already! I enjoy working in excel for brewing stuff but I have too many sheets going.

It became clear pretty quickly, especially at HBT, that many people were looking for Brun Water with some of the new stuff from our sheet.

Revision 6 will incorporate all the most useful stuff back into a multi page format for people to use. It will, as stated above though, be purely for No-Sparge. The sparge water calculations upset some of the water stuff and lead people to desire BW type edits to accommodate.

How about now.

Nope.  Here’s what comes up:

The link you are accessing has been blocked by the Barracuda Web Security Gateway because it contains content belonging to the category of: Gambling

If you believe this is an error or need to access this link please contact your administrator.

URL: http://www.lowoxygenbrewing.com

Ahh sure, its blocking the site.

no worries.  I can access it from home if I need it.  The filters here are a PITA, but if I needed I could get it changed.  I’d rather not bother as flying below the radar is preferred.

Yeah, that’s my approach here at work, too. Too many eyes, not a good thing.

Ha!  Classic…

Can any of you blocked guys try again?

Sorry for the derail.

I can get in your site fine from here, Bryan. There are other sites that filter me out for odd reasons (like Joe mentioned) and I leave those well enough alone, rather than raise flags.

I’ll try tomorrow. Home now.

FWIW, it’s blocked where I work as well, due to having “none” as it’s category…which is weird if others are seeing “gambling”.

Still blocked.  Still “gambling.”

Of course, I can access CBS Sportsline for fantasy football, etc.  No gambling occurs there.

I currently use Libre Office to use BW, and just downloaded the link to the reference sheet. It does not give an option to open it with a program other than Excel which I do not have loaded on my laptop. Help the computer slow learner figure out how to open it without excel if its possible please

I’m not sure there is a way. Libre office should open files with Excel extensions. I do know Libre Office often gives people fits with my spreadsheets. Is there a conversion option in libre office? Kind of like how google sheets allows you to convert Excel files to sheets files?

-Run ‘Calc’
-Choose File/Open from the menu
-Navigate to where you saved the reference sheet
-Select it, and click ‘Open’

That’s should open it for you.  If you don’t want to do this every time then you can associate xlsx files with Calc, or you can do a ‘Save as…’ on the reference sheet and change the file type to “ODF Spredsheet (.ods)”