Malt shortage ahead?

I understand that the western states were quite wet this past fall and as a result the barley crops were adversely affected.  The major brewers and some craft brewers are locked in with delivery contracts, which I interpret to mean that any lack of availability may affect those smaller craft brewers and homebrewer suppliers who buy on the spot market.  Sounds like it might be similar to the hop shortage a few years back…anyone seeing price increases in their area?  Grain had seemed to be plentiful and cheap the last couple years, especially with  Avengard entering the U.S. market.  We may not be so lucky this year.

Not much panic yet, unlike the hop shortage from a few years back when crops failed in the England, and Germany, while the US had an average crop. There are stores of 2013 barley to fill in the gap. How were the crops in other barley producing regions? If Europe is in good shape along with other parts of the world, then prices would go up a little due to shipping, but not through the roof.

Found this.

I don’t use a whole lot of US malt, so as long as there’s enough European malt to fill the homebrewing pipeline I’m not too worried. A disastrous crop in the UK or Continental Europe to the point where they would have to curtail exports would seriously bum me out, though.

Good thing I made my first bulk sack buy last month.

Yep, I did the same.

+1 there. i just stocked up with 55lbs each of maris otter, pale malt, pilsner and light munich . im set on base malts for awhile.

Do you all buy bulk online?  If so, does shipping eat you up?

no i by locally for 55# bags…and when theres a nice sale. ends up costing me .70-.90 a # this way for avangard malts.

Our club is about to buy several tons of malt through a local brewery.  At this point, there is no indication of abnormal price increases.  Unlike several of you guys, I pretty much rely on domestic malt for most of the beers I brew.  I’ve never cared for MO in American styles.

Glad I made the jump on a few sacks when I did. May go ahead and get something more if it begins to show signs…

I just bought 8 sacks.  I did buy 4 sacks for home delivery from Rebel Brewer when they offered flat rate shipping on any order of $100.  $7.99 freight isn’t bad on 4 sacks.  The majority of what I use is domestic.  I do like Golden Promise blended in my IPA though.  I haven’t seen any price increases.

That’s a pretty good deal!

My local guy has really good prices on 55 lb. sacks. I think I paid $1.04 lb. for Crisp Pale and $1.10 lb. for Weyermann pilsner. I guess I’m another guy who doesn’t use domestic.

The point of the matter is that a shortage of US grains will cause Brewers to turn to the other sources, so while using European malts sounds like it would be unaffected, the U.S. Brewers who used to use the western US malt sources may jump into the other sourced markets causing (at minimum) a price increase for all malts.  I just ordered a sack of Weyermann Floor Malted Bohemian Pilsner malt, so I should have a fair amount for a couple months, when coupled with what I already have on hand.  But the true test will be as the 2013 grains are sold out…

There are stories of breweries sourcing malt from South American and Australia in previous malt shortages. If anyone knows someone at a big brewery you might ask if they have contingency plans.