Shipping costs?

I placed an order with MW today, shipping costs are going up and if you want to use your AHA membership for a discount you have to fax or mail in a copy of your card.

I suppose its coming down to the fact that people are spending less because I can’t believe FedEx or UPS has raised their rates, gas prices haven’t gone up compared to what they were a year or so ago.  ::)  I think suppliers would be better off lowering their prices and have more Volume going out the door than to raise their prices only to see their volume decrease even more.

County malt supply is your friend :slight_smile:

+1 My friend too.

Austin and BMW do flat rate shipping. Naturally certain things cost more than elsewhere.
Just depends what you need. I do Mid-Country Malt for grains.

Dude…Brewmasters Warehouse is the shit. I have been ordering everything from them lately including 50# sacks of grain for $6.99 flat shipping. I have been raving about them so much they may owe me money for advertising, but I guess I’m making it up on the shipping. Check it out. Glad I did. Hoping that they stick to it.

Just had to check this one out.  Am I missing something as the only way I saw to order a full sack was to order the number of pounds contained in a sack.  This ends up charging you the full per-pound price for the whole sack – most places a full sack is less per pound.

Just as you know what are we talking about when we say County Malt Supply:

Best Malz Pilsner Malt 55lb = $29.15
Best Malz Vienna Malt 55lb = $29.70

Fawcett Maris Otter 55lb = $39.05

Canadian 2-Row 55lb = $24.75

Great Western Crystals 50lb = $31

You would have hard time to see these prices at LHBS.

The grain may be a little more expensive, but I haven’t found a better deal around yet.

If you’re talking full sacks of grain, you can definitely do better.  A full sack of Crisp Marris Otter from Brewmasters Warehouse looks to be $85.25 ($1.55 x 55) plus the $6.99 shipping for a total of $92.24.  A full sack of Thomas Fawcett Marris Otter from Country Malt Group is $40.24 plus $22.22 shipping for a total of $62.46.  That sounds like a better deal to me.  Also, that shipping is to Virginia and, since they’re located in New York state, shipping to you in CT should be even less.

What is the approximate cost for shipping?

[quote]If you’re talking full sacks of grain, you can definitely do better.  A full sack of Crisp Marris Otter from Brewmasters Warehouse looks to be $85.25 ($1.55 x 55) plus the $6.99 shipping for a total of $92.24.

Yea, my local homebrew shop is cheaper than that for a sack of Marris Otter.  Thankfully we do a group grain buy here in the Denver area of CO twice a year from North Country.  I stock up both times and the prices are great.  We usually fill 2-4 pallets so shipping is cheaper.  I also get my bulk American 2 row from the local Gordon Biersch.  The brewer sells me 2 row at his cost which is about  40 cents per pound.  I usually buy 180 pounds at a time (put it in a 33 gallon garbage can used only for grain).  $70-$80 for 180 pounds of grain is a deal!

Roff shipping is per pallet.

For me/my club it is $85+15% and that is almost $100.
You can fit up to 42 bags per pallet but you can buy less then 42 bags.
Still you pay per pallet.
So if we buy 20 bags for group buy, our shipping per bag is $5.
You are in Kansas and you are farther from Chicago.
your shipping Is $95 + 15% = about $110.

You may also order individual bag. Then shipping is standard FedEx ground.
Somewhere around $25 or so.

I just checked BMW and their prices are decent.  $1.15/lb. Briess 2 row.  If you order less than 50 pounds thats a pretty good shipping price really.  $52.99 for 40 pounds shipped.  Thats about the same if you bought a 50 pound sack from CMS when you figure the shipping at $22+ per sack.

I might just place a few orders with them this year.  :wink:

Thanks, T_M!
Luckily, I can get Rhar 2 row at the local homebrew store for $45/sack!!

I will keep CM in mind if I can get enough people together to one day split a pallet.

Rahr 2-row is $43 at my LHBS, but Maris Otter is up to $77 plus tax… on top of which, they just switched from TF to Munton’s. With a sack of TFMO being $66 shipped, I’m seriously reconsidered my “support your LHBS” policy. I guess I’ll buy a few pounds of the Munton’s and give it a shot before I commit to a sack. :-\

roff - yeah - it’ll probably be $20-25 per sack shipping - you can estimate it on - use the midcountry zip and your zip and assume 60lbs to be safe.

my total cost from northcountry for Best is $66 everytime - my LHBS wants $85 for a sack of Weyermann, plus $7 in gas and an hour of my time roundtrip for me to go pick it up.

Yes, support your local LHBS as long as they support you.
My LHBS is charging $2.75/lb of MO.
This is $151.25 and I am NOT doing that.
The only thing what I am buying from LHBS is yeast and it is on rare occasion.

trust me, its subpar.

That’s what our LHBS did too.  Went from Crisp to Muntons and all I’ve heard is that Muntons doesn’t compare to Crisp (or Thomas Fawcett).