Maris Otter in a Steam Beer?

Just wonder what Maris Otter would be like in a steam beer?  I’ve got Wyeast California lager yeast on order, Maris Otter, Crystal 40 and 1lb of Northern Brewer that should be here Monday.  I’m going to do a pale ale but I was thinking about trying a steam soon.  Should I try it with Maris Otter or wait until I can get some 2 row?

I’d go for it! the style has been taken over by anchor but it was just the kind of beer made around the SF bay area in the century before last. It had variety. I don’t even use northern brewer for my hops. I have heard that some of it was probably made with 6 row.

I regularly use MO in my California Common, not least as US 2-row is a little hard for me to come by in the UK.

Call me crazy, but my taste tells me that there may be some rye malt in Anchor Steam, just enough to give it a little spiciness and color.  Maybe you could add 2 to 3% Rye and see what you think.  Just a thought.  It couldn’t hurt.  Besides, that Maytag guy seems sneaky.

I’d actually suggest that you use pils or pale malt and mash lower to achieve the desired dryness required in a California Common. MO is too malty leading to a perceived sweetness in the finished. Just my 2-cents!  :wink:

I think Maris would be great in a California Common. 
I say go for it.  You really won’t know for sure until you try!

Thanks everyone.  I’m gonna try it.  Mostly because that’s all I have but partly because it wasn’t a unanimous “DON’T”.  I don’t have access to rye malt right now either so it’s gonna be 9 lbs MO, 1 lb crystal 40 and Northern Brewer hops.  Wish me luck.

I’m gonna give this a shot but I wanted some opinions on hopping schedule.
I normally don’t venture far from 1 oz at 60, 1 oz or less at 15, 1 oz or less at flameout.  I’m finding my beer to be a bit unbalanced and lacking in malt character with the hops dominant.
My last brew was 25 g at 60 (not quite an ounce), 15 at 15 and 15 at flameout.  We’ll see how that goes.

But, since I’m going to do this before I get a chance to taste the last batch, I’m wondering what you all suggest for a hopping schedule for this.  I’m looking to get some bitterness but not an overwhelming amount as well an appropriate amount of hops flavour and aroma.  I checked the BJCP guidelines and they definitely discuss the bitter aspects of the style but not a lot about how much flavour or aroma you should expect in the style.  I’m not going to be entering any competitions but I’d like to get more maltiness and less dominance from the hops while still being close to the style.

I’m thinking 1 oz of NB hops (AA7.8) at 60 min, 1/2 oz at 15, no aroma hops.

I checked the recipe wiki for an Anchor clone but didn’t find anything.  A search found too much…

What’s your water profile like?  Cause frankly that’s pretty small as far as hop additions go to be over hoppy, but if you have really hard water, very high sulfates, etc that could be your problem.

Hardness is 214, sulphates are 37 mg/L