Trying first batch using adjunct flaked maize. Have read to put some rice hulls at bottom of mash tun. Question, does the flaked maize get crushed along with my base malts? Using about 9 lbs pilsner, 9 lbs 2 row and 3 lbs of flaked maize for a 10 gallon batch of cream ale. Thanks in advance.
I don’t use rice hulls. Just through the flaked maize in the mash. No need to mill. It pretty much is gone by the end of the mash.
I just toss them in the grain bucket after I crush or on top of the mash before I stir. Have not used rice hulls with them.
I have used up to 20% flaked maize with 6-row and it worked out just fine.
I did once and the corn gummed up the nurrling (sp?) on the rollers and was a mess to clean off. No need to mill it and it is probably a lot more likely to cause you stuck mash issues too if you do.
I don’t use rice hulls with corn and haven’t had a stuck mash with it. I only use them with wheat beers
If you’ve ever had corn grits, it is not gummy like oatmeal can be. I’m guessing that corn doesn’t have the gummy proteins that oats and some other grains have.
I’ve used up to about 10% flaked corn with absolutely no issues except that it gave the beer the taste I was looking for, and it got used again.
I just have them toss it into the grain bag at the LHBS after they mill the rest of the grains.
Just finished cleaning up and everything went fine. I did put in the rice hulls but as the brewing session progressed and I was making notes and thinking about brewing it came to me that I probably got the idea about rice hulls from reading about wheat beers. I am going to brew a wit next month and will definitely use them then.
or oats or rye
I made a stout with not that many oats in it that was really slow to sparge. Should have used some rice hulls.
That was most likely not due to the oats but to the crushed roasted malts…