I was planning to do a 10g batch and split it into 5g of Czech Pils & 5g of CAP. If I do a mini-mash on the stove with 2# corn and 1# base malt, will that be enough base malt to help convert?
Also, has anyone noticed much difference between flaked corn, grits, or quick grits? I know I would need to do a cereal mash for the grits, but would like some advice from some who may have done this before. Thanks!
That’s plenty of base malt. I use about 20% in my cereal mash to convert the grits.
I have used Old Fashioned Grits from the grocery store with good success.
I believe quick grits are essentially the same thing as flaked corn. Maybe the middle part of the corn kernel is removed in the grits which is why they don’t go stale as quickly.