Need to find a cider book

My brother is getting into making cider and I want to get him a book on the topic. Most of the books I find are a few chapters of cider along with other topics. Does anyone know of a good book for cider making?

Here ya go, it’s a good one :

This one is my favorite.

Just reread that one. Great resource.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Both sound good but I think I am going with “The Everything Hard Cider” book. Looks like a good start to someone getting into the hobby.

Drew wrote it so you know it’ll be great!

I just received it in the mail. Thumbing through it and it truly is “The Everything Hard Cider Book.” Cooking with cider, making cider vinegar, cider cocktails, a bunch of cider recipes, and more. Seems like a good book to have for a ciderman.