New Grower Question

Just started growing hops this year and my plants are starting to sprout out of the ground. Each plant has sprouted with three “arms.” Do I let all of them grow or do I cut some of them and only allow one to grow? If I need to cut them down what is the best way of doing that?

let them all grow this year. Maybe next year as well. they are trying to build a strong root system so the more energy they get (leaves) the better. next year or the year after you will want to pick 3 strong bines to train and trim the rest.

Ok. Should I add a few extra strings to each pot to allow each to grow?

you can train three bines to a string. Latteral growth is where your cone production is going to really happen so about 15 feet up you want to make sure the bines have room to expand horizontally.

Ok thanks. I will try that and see how it goes.