New iPhone Brewing App

I’ve written a new brewing app called BrewBot.

Along with hop and yeast data/characteristics, it features 16 unique calculators.

Check it out here: Connecting to the iTunes Store.

I have a limited number of free download codes for anyone interested in testing & providing feedback.

Email to request a code and tell me why you’d be a good candidate for testing.

sent an email through the email address posted.


Steve.  This app is basically for reference and calculations, correct? Thanks.

I’d be a good candidate because I brew a lot, and I post a lot.  However, since the app is 99 cents I can purchase it faster than emailing you for a code.  So that is my intention, although I do have to ask the wife what the stupid password is.  She’s the keeper of the phone stuff, I just use them.

If this causes me to drop my Iphone in a boil kettle, I’m going to be angry.

So far its fun to play with.  I know I’ll use the Plato to OG conversion since right now I have to grab my hydrometer for that.

You misspelled refractometer, theres an extra “m”.

Will it work on iPod or iPad?  I have one of each but the iPhone is the wife’s (although I get the bill…)
She is reluctant to leave it home so I can brew.

I’m running it on my iPad.  The display is iPhone size, but it works fine.  Steve has said he’s working on an iPad version.

In perusing the hops section, when I click on Spalt it kicks me out of the program every time.  None of the others do this.

same here

Thanks for picking that one up and the typos I missed.

I appreciate the feedback.

There will be an update in a few weeks. The review process takes some time.


Yes, just a calculator and reference app.

The goal is to have the next major release (a few months out at least) do recipe formulation, but probably only on the iPad.


As Denny mentions, it does run on the iPad as an iPhone app, but really was only designed for portrait mode, so won’t behave all that well in landscape.

And yes, after swatting bug and cleaning up typos, the next step will be to make it a universal app to take full advantage of the iPad screen size and functionality.

Steve, I just tried the strike temp calc.  After filling in the info and hitting the calculate button, nothing happened.


It works on my iPhone.

I’ll have to try it on my iPad later. I don’t have it with me right now.

It won’t spit out a number unless you have all the input fields (Grain Temp, Grain Weight, Water Ratio, and Target Temp) populated.

Works on mine too.  Decided to go ahead, buy it and give it a try.  Will be brewing an Oktoberfest this weekend and this will make it so I don’t have to go to my computer to do calcs.

I double checked that I did, but I’ll check again.  The results don’t appear on some other page, do they?

OK, I have grain temp at 71, grain weight at 13.75 lb., ratio at 1.6 and target temp at 148.  When I hit the calculate button nothing happens except that the button turns blue for a second to indicate I’ve pressed it.

I’ll test later on my iPad.


I’ve tested it on my iPad, which is a 1st gen running iOS 5, and it works just fine.

Not sure what to say.

I threw caution to the wind and spent 99 cents on the app. Looks like it would be handy. I recommend correcting the typos that crop up throughout the app (such as “Volumue” … “Refractomemter” … “Original Gavity” … “Fahrenhiet”) – it will improve the credibility of your product.