NHC Winners Edition recipe question - Barb's Hef - Water profile

Hello there,

I was hoping to get some details on Nick Corona’s “Barb’s Hef” recipe that was posted a few issues back. It calls for 6.5g of CaCl. Does anyone know if that assumes RO/Distilled 100%? Because if I add that amount and nothing else to 100% distilled water, I’m roughly at:

Ca - 50ppm
Cl - 100
SO4 - 0
Mash pH around 5.7.

Just wondering if this is about right and if not, what I’m missing. Thanks for any insight! And, belated congrats to Nick on the big win!

Can’t help you, but I would assume you are correct. Not sure if that looks good or not for Hefe, as I have not brewed one myself