Okay, 3D sucks

I suddenly have depth perception.  I never have before.

The world looks like a crappy Xbox game.  Or like this


That’s what stuff looks like in the real world.  I thought only 3D modeling programs produced so much fake, plastic-looking overdramatic 3D effects.  I’m staring at a tea cup like I smoked something I shouldn’t have.

It just happened.

My hearing also suddenly became very fixed and precise and sharp, among other odd perceptual shifts.  I had a serious mental breakdown when I realized the synesthesia was gone; but I think that’s a matter of an overloaded neural link, and it’s slowly coming back.  Might need a few days to recover.  I don’t think I can actually survive without that; the world is in 3D but everything I hear is very flat and lifeless, that’s not right.  Where’s the shapes and colors in the music?  Where’s the impossible textures and hues that can’t physically exist?

I’d say you should call your doctor.

Or your dealer… :o

Or your local taquería!

See what happens when we let a couple BFI threads go under the radar, and not derail them? They just get stranger, and stranger… ::slight_smile:

Let the de-railing begin…  ;D

Last night I dreamed a turtle was eating a taco…

It was all so clear and in 3D.
The sound of the turtle crunching the taco shell was astounding.

Last night I dreamed I was a foot.

A foot as in afoot, ie. walking and traveling?

Or, a foot as in that platform that is attached to the bottom of the leg?

Interesting either way.

blue, it’s been fun messing with your threads and all that over the years.  But sometimes I do worry about you.  I don’t think you are rational half the time.  I think you are having a hard time communicating and it’s being mistook for attention getting.  Maybe you should go see a doctor about these things you think about.

Last night I dream I Was a turtle eating a taco. Iwas in a prk with many other turtles, and there was a taco stand.

know what doesn’t suck?! Pink Floyd in 3D!

You only thought it was in 3D  ;D

A foot on the end of a leg.

Its a recurring dream that always ends with me realizing that im in a shoe cause im a foot.

It always happens when I eat almonds before bed.

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children she didn’t know what to do.
She gave them some broth without any bread.
She whipped them all soundly and put them to bed.

From Wikipedia; “In the Old Testament, the almond was a symbol of watchfulness and promise due to its early flowering, symbolizing God’s s_udden and rapid punishment_ of His people”

Dude! You got problems…

Nah. I had problems for a long time now, long before the dream.

I dont go for that interpretation hugger mugger either. Dreams are just the brain unloading.

All nuts will make you have weird dreams. Try a teaspoon of fresh ground nut meg before bed and let me know what happened in the morning.

I have another recurring dream where I go everywhere completely naked from the waist down. Im never sure if I intentionally left the house that way, but it never seems to bother me. Its actually very refreshing.

Blue, maybe if you stare at those tea leaves long enough you will see the future.

Will do, love weird dreams 8)

Me and the Ms. Tubercle take a Caribbean cruise every couple of years. Been trying to get her to go to a nude beach. She says NO!, All the jiggly stuff is reserved just for me. Not sure how this is related…just sayin’…

Nux Vomica grated up and ingested with milk will make your body feel like 3D- one or two will do the trick.

I try to avoid ingesting anything called “vomica”.