Online stores

Would anyone chime in for this new brewer and list some of the available online stores for recipes? I have only seen about 4 online from searches. Any other tips would be appreciated. Thanks!

In my opinion has the best recipe kits. But I like for everything else.

+1 on Northernbrewer.  They have good recipe kits and they list the recipes.

I really like Midwest Brewing Supplies, Farmhouse Brewing Supply, and Yakima Valley Hops.

Lots of good ones out there. Hope that helps!

I’ve used Northernbrewer, Morebeer, and Midwest all with great success.

Austin Homebrew Supply and Northern Brewer are my top choices. AHS has a huge selection of commercial clone kits that are a great place to start for a beginner (some are closer than others - be sure to read the reviews). They also have flat rate shipping, which generally means they are one of the cheaper options. NB has the biggest selection out there and their prices are generally pretty competitive, even since they stopped offering flat rate shipping.

Midwest Supplies is another excellent online shop. Prices are decent and selection is good. I also use Rebel Brewer as well. I find that they are my best bet if I’m looking for a specific grain. Rebel generally lists the exact maltster, while a lot of the other shops will only list the country for certain grains. That’s good info if that is important to you.

If you’re a big hophead I recommend freshops and Hops Direct if you want to buy in bulk. I also recommend Yakima Valley Hops and Farmhouse Brewing Supply for hard-to-find hop varieties in more reasonable quantities.

Great info! I’m a fan of supporting local brick and mortar but internet shops for unavailable stuff is great

“Friends don’t let friends drink bad beer”

I’ll put in my obligatory plug for 7 Bridges which is the only mostly organic store I have found. Rebel brewer and Northern Brewer and Morebeer occasionally will have some organic ingredients but 7 bridges has a great selection all the time!

I always say that I need to check them out whenever I see an ad for them, and never remember when it comes time to place an order. Thanks for putting the bug back in my ear.

Its my LHBS, but has kits for the recipes in Sam Calagione’s book Extreme Brewing. The shop is run by a local guy who helped Sam get started.

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As we’ve started selling our beer to a little deli that specializes in organic food.  I offered the owner to brew an organic version of our Amber.  I intended to buy such from 7 Bridges.  The owner said that they have had organic beer in the past, and nobody liked it, especially given the price premium for such.

I have noticed and heard from producers of both beer and wine that even if you brew/vint with organic ingredients you sometimes are better off leaving that info off the label because people still have an attitude about organic wine and beer that if it were really good they wouldn’t need to advertise. meh. I have not noticed a difference in ingredient quality.

I started with Northern Brewer for my first extract kits. They are packed very well with very nice instructions. I have ordered some all grain IPA kits from NB, but wasn’t as pleased with them. I feel that Austin Homebrew has the superior all grain kits…The flat rate shipping is nice too. As previously posted, they have a ton of commercial clones. I ordered a handful of them late last summer. I think I got the Sam Adams Octoberfest, Breckenridge Christmas, Anchor Christmas (I think it was vintage 1998), and the two White House beers…the two White House beers were, meh. I live in Ohio, so I wouldn’t recommend ordering liquid yeast from the heart of Texas now that the weather is heating up.