Ooops, I added Citra to a low gravity 2nd runnings instead of Saaz...

Okay… I messed up… I had some grains I did a 2nd runnings on, I added a bit of DME (not a lot), and I was suppose to use my Citra hops all 1.5 oz for my dry hop, but instead I put them in instead of my Saaz for 60 min boil…  With a Gravity of 1.038 to say it’s bitter is an understatement.  I put the .5oz of Saaz in the last 20 minutes figuring WTH… Now I’m looking to dry hop it when I rack it for a flavor to help fight off the strong bitter.  Any suggestions to mellow this bad boy out?  BTW this was a baltic porter recipe originally.

Congratulations on your Black XPA  :o

You could always add some concentrated wort to bring the gravity up to balance things out. I think about 3 pounds of DME dissolved in as little boiling water as you can should get you close to 1.060. At that point you can probably call it a Black IPA or an American Brown Ale depending on the final color.