PB2 in Bottling Bucket?

So I made a Peanut Butter Cup brown ale.  I used PB2 in the last few minutes of the boil (cacao nibs in secondary).  When I made the transfer from the primary to the secondary, the pb2 that didnt dissolve settled to the bottom of the fermenter. The taste going from primary to secondary was exactly what I hoped for. However, Im going to bottle this today and the taste isnt as Peanut buttery as I was hoping.  Is it safe to dissolve more PB2 into the bottling bucket, then add my corn sugar as normal and then transfer the secondary into the bottling bucket.  Is this safe to do or is it a bad idea because the PB2 plus the corn sugar might overcarb the beer from too much sugar?  Or should I just be happy with how it came out and just add the corn sugar to the bottling bucket and then transfer the beer?  Thanks in advance for the help.

As this is your first go round, I would just let it ride and add your priming sugar and finished beer into the bottling bucket and package it up.  Next time you brew this, take your notes from this first batch, and increase the amount of PB2 to get your desired effect.

The only reason I say this is because if the PB2 didn’t dissolve fully in the kettle and fermentation, then it definitely won’t dissolve well in your bottling bucket which could potentially ruin what you have already worked so hard to create.

BTW, let us know how this one turns out. A buddy of mine used that PB2 in the past for a beer like yours and came it out pretty interesting. Not much head retention though…

Is there sugar in PB2?

1g of sugars per 2 tablespoons. Definitely need to consider that when priming.

I contacted the manufacturer after I made the beer. They told me that its better to use a little warm water and add it to a blender. Then blend for 5 minutes or until smooth because it will fully dissolve.  So I was going to do that and then add that to the bottling bucket.  However, I was unsure how to figure out the priming sugar needed.

So I think I will just ride it out and next time I use PB2, Id blend it smooth and add it into fermenter.

so I bottled it. I tasted it and was surprised that the peanut butter flavor was there. Im very happy with how it came out and glad I didnt add more.  Thanks for the input!

I bottled this a week ago but wanted to sample.  came out well, starts off nutty and peanut buttery and finishes with a little chocolate. Im happy with it