Do you all keep different pilsner malts from different maltsters on hand? Do you use a Belgian maltster for Belgian ales and a German maltster for German lagers? Since they are both continental, will you even notice a difference? Is it worth buying both?
I used Best Pils for my German and Belgian beers.
Same here.
I use Weyermann because it is available locally. If I feel like driving across town (and on a toll road) I can get a hold of Dingemans for Belgians.
I used to live near a shop that carried a larger selection of base malts. I really like Castle for the Belgians. The quality was good and the price was great.
I try to use German pils for German, Belgian pils for Belgian, depending on what I have on hand. But having said that, those German and Belgian pils malts are all good to excellent and any would work in a pinch.
+1 - If I end up buying a sack of Pilsner I’d probably buy Best and be fine using it on all my brews. But I generally buy ingredients for just a couple of beers at a time, so it’s Best or Weyermann for my German styles and Castle for my Belgian ones.
I use Castle for everything I use pilsner in.
Best is best, but Avengard is pretty darn good. Weyermann is solid, too. Dingeman’s for Belgians is probably preferred, but not necessary IMHO.
Same here

Best is best, but Avengard is pretty darn good. Weyermann is solid, too. Dingeman’s for Belgians is probably preferred, but not necessary IMHO.
I’ve been using Avengard and have been very happy with the results.