I want to make a cream ale. I don’t have any flaked maize and I’m 200 miles from the LHBS. I’ve got an air popper. Anyone ever used pop corn in the mash? Techniques?
I’ve brewed with popcorn in the mash. It provides a different character than using flaked corn. Although, I was using about a half of a grocery bag of air popped popcorn. I mixed it in with the rest of the grains and did everything as usual. I say go for it.
How about corn grits. Brewing with Corn - Brew Your Own
A guy in the Club did this years ago. It does lighten the body and color. He said he put the air popped popcoz in my and it pretty much dissolved i.e. starch to sugar.
Flavor contribution to is low. Less than flakes, which in my opinion have less than grits.
Thanks. I thought a cereal mash would be more complicated. I’ll try it.