Yeast suggestion for 4 different styles

Hi gang, I plan my beers out using the same yeast for 4 batches per yeast pack.  For my Spring series (March, April, May and June), I want to do the following styles:
Irish Red Ale
Old Ale
Robust Porter
Summer Rye Ale (I’m looking for a clean, Malty, easy drinkin’ beer)

I want a beer that brings out the malt, with relatively low esters and/or phenolics.  Also, something that can handle temps up to 68-72 degrees F)

My current thought is the Wyeast European Ale, but if anyone has an idea for a clean British strain, I would listen.  I was playing around with the idea of the Australian Ale yeast from White labs.


1968 comes to mind first, by the three styles you have given. I have done all 3 with 1968. The fourth RPA could work too, but not sure what your ing. ,hops etc. 1318 yeast would prbly be my second choice. cheers

I’d use 1056.

WY1056/WLP001, WY1272 American Ale II, WLP007 Dry English Ale, or WLP002/WY1968.  All should/would work fine I think.

+1.  Although I’m going to give Denny’s Favorite a shot on some of these styles as well!