I am going to change out the propylene glycol in my chiller. Originally used glycol from Farm&Family that is for ruminants. It worked well but time to change out. My question is, is it acceptable to use RV anti-freeze in place of glycol? Also, for the ones who have a chiller, what product do you use for glycol? Thanks in advance!
So I took the cover off and it had a bit of dead and floating insects. Took the flashlight to it and could see the same on the bottom. Ive had the same glycol since it was new which is probably 5 maybe 6 y/o. so its best that I change it out imo. In reading today I came to understand that there is a degree of risk of corrosion if one doesn’t use an inhibited glycol BUT after removing the liquid and inspecting the chiller, it looks brand new so I don’t think there is any corrosion, at least to the naked eye. Thanks for the link Denny!
I don’t have a chiller, but the answer is a big NO. The FDA exists to educate us and prevent situations like this to occur. Ethylene glycol (auto antifreeze) is very toxic whereas propylene glycol (food grade) is not. No need to cheat death in your endeavor to make good beer.
Apparently glycol breakdown can happen due to bacteria. But just check the plato and make sure you are still in the range. If you are, you are good to go!
Denny, I greatly respect your opinions and regularly listen to your podcast. But the original question is can RV glycol, which is rated safe for drinking lines used for human consumption, safe for fermentor glycol systems. I have used it because I have it and use it for my RV. Even through I flush my RV’s fresh water lines there is still some residual in it that gets drunk. Engine antifreeze is completely out of the question and not what is being asked about.
I am not saying therefor case closed RV glycol, for fresh water plumbing systems, is safe to use for fermentors. Maybe it breaks down into unsafe chemicals or something else. But, it is a fair question to ask and one that I have pondered often.
Thank you for your good work and all that you have done for our hobby!