I use this for Brown Ales and Porters and really like it. Any other suggestions? NB kit for Imperial Mild calls for it also. I was looking for something that might fit a style guideline better than that. Any suggestions?
I just finished fermentation of a Premium Bitter with this strain. It turned out great. I’m sure it would do well in any Bitter or English Pale Ale.
I would suggest brewing a clone of Ringwood’s Old Thumper:
Maris Otter 90%
Crystal 4%
Torrified Wheat 6%
Challenger and Progress hop pellets for bitterness (32 IBUs)
Goldings as late hop and for aroma
OG 1.058
I have brewed a clone of it a few times, and it is real close to the bottled product I get here, only fresher.
I too love the Ringwood yeast.