I ordered some Wyeast 3711 French Saisonfrom my LHBS, but it seems that it will be a special order as their distributor does not have any in stock. Bummer. I have a good amount of dry yeast at home and even more available at my LBHS. Are there any reasonable substitutes for this specialized yeast strain? Halp!
I’ve had some good Saisons made with Ardennes.
If you have to use a dry yeast, the only one remotely close would be T-58. But it’s not nearly as attenuative as 3711. I recently made some beer with very similar gravities and grists, with 3711 and T-58. 3711 finished at 1.004, T-58 at 1.014. But, “saison” is sort of a catch-all category, and it can mean whatever you want, really.
I had a similar high finishing gravity using T-58 in a Tripel. The half I fermented with 1388 finished at 1.010, but the T-58 stopped at 1.018, which is no longer a Tripel.
I really think that Saisons are pretty identifiable by the yeast and that if you don’t use Saison yeast, you won’t be making a Saison. What you make may be really good no matter what, but you may want to call it something else.
That was my concern. I have 2 or 3 packs of T-58 in the fridge but I have read that it’s not very attenuative. It seems to be unsuitable for higher OG recipes. My OG is mid-range at 1.072, target FG of 1.015 using the Saison yeast. It kills me that I might have to drive an hour to Cambridge for the right yeast, ugh. Should have just ordered it online a week and a half ago when my LHBS said they might not be able to get the stuff. Live and learn!
You’ll make a decent beer with the T-58, but I’m pretty sure you’ll be disappointed if you’re expecting a saison out of it. If it were me, I’d wait until I had the right yeast.
1.015 seems pretty high as an FG for a saison.
+1 - a saison should be dry to the bone - or at least close. And while I agree that a saison can be sorta a “catch all” - T-58 isn’t going to really be the best yeast for a saison. You need something that is highly attenuative with a fruity and/or peppery and/or earthy and/or funky character to really be a saison.
Ended up getting out of work earlier than expected so I zipped to another LHBS in Rhode Island to pick up some White Labs Saison. (WLP 565) Snagged 2 vials, that should be sufficient. Going to do a starter tonight with hopes of brewing on Sunday. Thanks for the advice, folks!