Schenkstroop (dutch syrup) as a sub for Belgian Candi Syrup in a Dubbel

Was overseas recently and discovered Schenk Stroop (translated as Sugar Syrup)… this stuff:

When I tried it, I thought it tasted a lot like the Belgian “D” candi syrup I’ve used in my dubbels.  I brought back 3 bottles of it.  Has anyone ever tried this stuff in a beer?  Does anyone know what it is, and is it similar to the candi syrup from belgium?

Never heard of it.  However, if it looks good, and tastes good, go for it!  You can use all types of simple sugars to get different flavors.  Do you know the ingredients?

Sad thing will be if it turns out amazing and you can never get it again!  ::slight_smile:

I put a bottle of D2 in the kitchen so I can slather it on French Toast…with butter!!!

The dutch use >

But why not try it anyways? I used this (bottle on right) syrup before and really like the rich taste>

I’m finally brewing with this stuff tomorrow.  i did a fermentation test and it fermented down to 1.004, contributing about 38 PPG per pound.

Sounds good!

I’ve used that van Gilse brand before, and wasn’t impressed. Not a whole lot of flavor impact compared to the stuff usually used in brewing, but better than turbinado.

The beer came out really good, I am pretty happy with it. I have 2 more bottles, I’ll definitely use them in future batches.

Nice, thanks for the follow up. Good to know