D-240 Candi Syrup

D-240 Candi Syrup is supposed to be available to home brewers in the fall.  If you’ve ever made a Belgian Quad you’ve probably used the D-180 or the D2.

Does anyone have an in at a brewery that uses this new “darker” flavor and perhaps could share what beers use it and their thoughts on it?

Also, any ideas as to what/how you would like to try and use this in your homebrewing?

Dark Strong, Dark Strong and Dark Strong. And of course, Quadrupel, Quadrupel and Quadrupel.

Yep.  Can’t wait to get a hold of that stuff.

Yup. Remember that Brewing TV episode where Dawson does a pilsner/D180 brew? That’s my plan for D240.

I’m thinking the same. Maybe 1/2 Belgian pils, 1/2 Belgian pale ale malt, 15-20% D240, 1.100 OG. Can’t wait.


40% Pils
30% Pale Ale
10% Dark Munich
20% D240

100% delicious.

I used 8 ozs of D-180 in a Scottish Ale and it totally took over the beer…I expect D-240 will be a D-240 beer…could be good though…use carefully

I hear you. Since I wouldn’t be using Special B or other dark crystals, I’d pretty much be counting on the D240 for most all of that quad character. I don’t doubt it’s pretty potent, I know D180 definitely is.

Sounds like this may be a good beer for the spring 2017 swap :slight_smile:

OG 1.085
45% Castle Pils
30% Crisp MO
5% Dingemans Aromatic
20% D240

Looks great. I see quite a few dubbels and quads being brewed when that stuff is available. Yeah, may end up being a Belgian swap !

I have a 50 lb. jug of D240 sitting in my garage.  Hope to have time to brew with it in the next couple weeks.

Ahhh, just pour it on your hot waffles!