Non-Belgian Uses for Belgian Candi Syrups

I have a full range of candi syrups (purchased from, including clear, amber, D1 and D2. The thing is, I’m kind of burnt out on dubbel, I’ve never been a big fan of tripel, dark strong or golden strong.  In short, the only Belgian beers I’m currently fond of are Flanders red and lambic/kriek. I’ve used some of the dark syrups in my Flanders reds, but you can only brew so much of that.  I have 16gal going plus at least 5gal bottled. Thats enough.

So my question is, what can I use these syrups for? Don’t say pancakes, and I already tried some amber on vanilla ice cream and it was just so-so. I put a little amber in my most recent best bitter, its still fermenting so I don’t know how that will come out. My hope was to give it some caramel flavor that would complement the biscuity malt of the Maris Otter. Otherwise, I’m thinking the darker stuff will work in a brown ale or porter, and the clear syrup might work in a CAP.

Suggestions?  Recipes?

fwiw, I used some hard belgian candi in a IIPA recently. Came out tasty but not too over the top.  Went well with the bit of Rye I put in.  (.5 oz candi) (1 lb Rye)

I plan on brewing on old ale with D2 from Dark Candi Inc. in place of treacle.  It sounds good on paper :stuck_out_tongue:

I would say you could use them in anything… doesn’t mean you have to use a belgian yeast strain…

This is exactly what popped into my mind.  Use some in an old ale.  It definitely sounds good on paper.

Looks like you could do some experimenting with these.  Try using these in your own recipes and make sure to note the differences.

Thats what I’m doing right now with the bitter.  Not sure I’d want to put them in an APA, maybe an IPA.

The old ale suggestion appeals to me, I could live with a 1.06X brew.

I have some pork belly curing with D2 that will be bacon in a few days.

I just finished dehydrating some deer jerky, can’t believe I didn’t think to put some syrup in the marinade.

You could use the clear in something like a cream ale.

Thats an idea, I think you said the Simplicity has a little honey quality to it?  That’d go well in a light low-hopped brew.  Plus the wife likes them, she can put her daVinci syrups in them for a “flavor of the day”.

There ya go, man…everybody’s happy!

maybe put some amber in an amber ale?