Northern Brewer sends me an email saying it has been a long time since I have done business with them and they want me back. I always did like Northern Brewer but I deal with midwestsupplies because they use paypal. NB gives me 20% off my next order. It just so happens I need a sack of 2 row. So I order one. With my 20% discount plus shipping I am getting my 50lb sack of 2 row for $45. Now here is what I find confusing. They send me my UPS tracking number. I ordered yesterday scheduled delivery is tomorrow…very impressive…BUT the UPS tracking thing says it is 41.2lbs shipping weight??? Isn’t a 50lb sack supposed to weigh 50lbs? Or did they take out my 20% savings in grain? :o
Mind you I am not in anyway trying to slight NB. They are a great company to do business with. I am sure I am getting a 50lb sack. This is just a mystery and I am wondering if anybody has an explanation?
Could be the dimensional weight (volume in cubic inches/166). But still a bit odd, because UPS charges the greater of the the two when calculating dimensional weight vs actual weight.
That is a bit odd. Hmmm. Nonetheless, that’s a solid deal. My LHBS has them at $35 right not, but with shopping, $45 is great. It usually cost more for shipping me a sack than buying one. I usually don’t deal bulk grain online. I got one of these promo emails a couple weeks ago. It was ironic since I got it during their 24 hour flat rate shipping promo. Ironic because I hadn’t ordered from them since they dropped their flat rate shipping. I took advantage of the deals and got all the hardware for my keezer that is in the making.
I got one of those coupons too, let my friend order a bunch of stuff with it. It happened to coincide with a 5.99 shipping day too so he really got a nice deal.
I’m sure your sack will be the usual 50lb. Thats a pretty good price, about what I pay around here.
This is all very interesting. Or, I guess it could just be a mistake by UPS or something. To the OP, when you receive your bag please weigh it and let us know the results. I’m very curious.
Sack just arrived. Box was marked 42lbs. Sack was an unopened and completely unmarked sack of 2 row. It filled 2 5 gallon buckets to completely level with the top and left me some over to put in a 3rd bucket, so there is no doubt it was a 50lb sack. They must have gone by dimensional weight.