Spring 2015 Beer Swap

Send a beer - Get a beer - Review a beer

If you want to participate in the Spring 2015 Beer Swap, send me an EMAIL with your Name and Shipping Address.
Participation requires a commitment that you will ship at least 1, no more than 3, beers which you have brewed, to the person/address which you will receive back in an email.

Package properly please, and include a description of what the beer is. This could be as simple as what style, or you can be super thorough and send your recipe and describe your full brewing process.

You are also making a commitment to post a polite but accurate review of the beer you receive back.
Snarky reviews and heated arguments over reviews are strongly discouraged.
Reviews should be posted on THIS thread, and contain comments on Appearance, Aroma, Flavor, Mouthfeel, and Overall, with a point score of 1 through 5. 1 = undrinkable, 3 = send me the recipe, and a 5 = best beer ever.

This works on the open honor system, meaning we trust you to ship and post a review, and if you don’t it won’t be secret

Due dates:
April 15 is the cuttoff for committing by email, including your NAME and SHIPPING ADDRESS
April 16 you will receive an email back with your shipping instructions
April 30 you must ship your beer by this date! Please keep your tracking info, as this may save your butt later

Ready? Go!

Any reason we shouldn’t post the review BJCP style if we’re so inclined?

AFAIC no problem-as long as you don’t care some of us don’t know how to do that  ;D

Edit: im willing to learn if someone posts and example.

BTW, whats the standard for beer descriptions? typical like style, OG, FG and ABV?

Im down

Edit: It might be too much work, but maybe try to pair people closer together location wise. Might help with shipping.

BJCP style feedback is fine.

Also, my email is klickitatjim@gmail.com

What’s the email address?

Oops, never mind.

Regarding BJCP stuff. Using your BJCP skills and whatnot if great but not required. Also, lets all keep in mind that this isn’t a BJCP thing, nor is it a competition. Review,  don’t judge. And the beer stands alone. Don’t ding it for not following BJCP guidelines. Frankly, the beer I plan to send is a style not found in the 08 guidelines.

when would the shipping dates be?  In Juneau the only non- USPS service is 2nd day air (Juneau is a geographic island without any connecting bridges(so only planes and boats).  I usually plan entering competitions around my trips down south( thought I was going to be going through Seattle during NHC but missed it by a week >:(  to save on the shipping issue.  anyways I am interested depending on the shipping window.

Yea, I’m expecting something casual. A review is fine, I look forward to the feedback. Its more about sharing and connecting to me.

I’m getting soft in my old age.[emoji6]

If you join in, you’ll know who and where to ship on April 16th. You’ll have from April 16th to April 30th to get it shipped.

Not soft, just comfortable.  And yes, casual. Like being handed a homebrew at a bbq, and then sharing your thoughts right there face to face. Again, not judging or critiquing, just friends sharing beer and thoughts about the beer.

Agreed! I’m in, will email info.

Guys - include your forum name in the email please. If you already emailed me, I’ll reply asking for forum name.

By the way there are 8 of us already after only 3 hours. This should be fun. If it works out we’ll try it again in the Fall.

what happened to every month?

I’m not sure. I got old I guess?

I have an APA ready now and an IPA ready by the 24th.

I’m certainly not from the “look for a reason to fail” school of judging.  I’m just used to it by this point, and if I get a beer that claims to be from a certain style, I’m going to ‘judge’ it as such and make comments from that perspective.  I will think of the overall impression section to mention hedonistic enjoyment, just like I do in judging (and face-to-face comments).

Well, I’m certainly not going to ‘judge’ you if you post reviews from a purely hedonistic standpoint.  ;)  I’m just always trying to hone my scoresheet skills, so just wanting to make sure that it wouldn’t upset the apple cart to use that format.