Being a moron, I started to keg a beer from a conical and forgot to remove the blow off tube. I may have sucked up some sanitizer. Not sure and if so, not more than 1/4 cup in 13 gallons.
Anything to worry about? Beer tastes fine.
This has been covered a few times before. The makers of StarSan have be quoted saying you could drink it straight. I wouldn’t worry if it is that small of an amount.
It’s perfectly safe to consume, so the only concern is the flavor aspect. If your beer tastes good, then no problem. I easily get a tablespoon in a 3-gallon batch just from what’s left in the fermenter/bottling bucket/keg/etc. during transfers. That would scale up to 1/4 cup in 12 gallons. I’ve never noticed an issue.
Charlie Tally from Five Star Chemicals was on the Brewing Network once and they were talking about Justin’s “Star San” beer where he forgot to empty the sanitizer before racking the beer over. His carboy was close to half full of sanitizer. He dumped it but Charlie said he could have fermented it out and drank it without any problem.
I won’t try to replicate this but 1/4 cup in 13 gallons is nothing.