Sweetwater IPA Clone... anyone have a good recipe?

One of my favorite IPA’s is Sweetwater’s version.  I’ve looked all over the internet for a cloned recipe - found one.  But I’m not sure if it’s close.  The guy said he used the following grain bill… and all Simcoe hops:

10.5 lbs 2 row
1 lb Munich
.5 lbs Wheat
.5 lbs Cyrstal 80

Anyone wanna throw in on this one?  I’ve got all the grain to make this one, but want to have a better feeling about it.


I doubt it’s all Simcoe.  There’s plenty of grapefruit flavor and aroma going on.  I just had several Sweetwater IPA’s this past weekend.  ;D

Simcoe is more peppery and spicy to me.  I’m leaning toward some Chinook or, Amarillo and Cascade.