Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale

tank 7 farmhouse ale,  anybody else had it?  I think its great!


Countless times. Keep any eye out for their Brett saison. It’s available in June. I have a few from previous years squirreled away.

+1.  The Saison-Brett is awesome stuff. Tank 7 very tasty, too.

In Kansas City it is ubiquitous.
(I just wanted to use a big word)

As is St. Louis

I remember first getting into craft beer I thought it tasted like spoiled bologna  ;D

One of the better American brewery saisons.  The Saison Bret will be on deck, if ONLY I can remember by next June, maybe someone I know will have one tucked away.

I think I’m turning into a grumpy old man.  To me, Tank 7 is… just fine, just okay.

I’m not particularly dazzled by most of the saisons I’ve been tasting.  It’s all the rage in the USA craft beer world right now, but… maybe I’m just not a saison guy.  I can see why people might like it.  Just not my thang.  I’ll take a nice malty German lager, or a porter or stout, or a “real” Belgian ale any day, over most of the American saisons.  Sourness may help, and a lot of saisons being produced aren’t sour, and rightly so – tartness seems to be more an American invention than the traditional French or Belgian saisons.  However I’ll admit I do love my Lacto.  I’m not as much of a Brett guy.  So anyway…

Enjoy your Tank 7.  It’s reasonably good.  I’ll save my money and my bladder for other stuff.

Liver and brain cells? Or are they already shot  :wink:

In KC, we get it donated for pretty much any event. Sad thing is, it’s usually the neglected beer! We are spoiled for riches here.

I collect the Saison-Brett, purchasing 5 a year to keep a 5 year vertical going. I gotta say, I like the 2 year and 3 year old the best.

I really enjoy Tank 7.  I have never tried the Brett version, and I’m not too tempted to do so.

As far as American saisons, many of then are insipid.  Hennepin is OK, but is it really a saison?  I dunno.

I think Tank 7 stands out as one of the best of the bunch.  And if you have too much of it in KC send it up by here.

+1 I’ll take any of them off of your hands anytime…

I’m with Dave in that I think Tank 7 is good but not great. I also agree that there are a lot of so so saisons out there. I think its an easy style to get in the ballpark because the ballpark is so big but few really nail the style. I wonder if there is an IPA style laziness among brewers: if you make it people seem to buy it.
A couple I like more are Pretty Thing’s “Jack d’or” and one by notch brewing that comes in a can that I only saw once.

I agree, Pete. While I think Tank 7 is a pretty good beer, it doesn’t stand up next to the saisons I’ve had from Belgium. It’s a good, drinkable beer IMO. The thing I find funny is that saison is the new style du jour right now, but many of them that I’ve had aren’t actually made with a saison strain. Can’t count how many brewpub and even bottled American versions I’ve tried that seem to made with 3787 and finish mildly sweet - pretty annoying and innacurate. Whatever.

Too bad Pretty Things is closing down. :frowning:

I did not know this!

nor did I! I wonder if whistle blowing on pay to play in Boston got them blacklisted.

So I think for being American Tank 7 is good,  now by no means comparing Belgian to American versions, that would be a waste of time IMO,  BUT I still think it is a damn good beer.

Don’t get me wrong - I buy it and like it. It’s easy to find and tasty.

[quote]Too bad Pretty Things is closing down.


what?.. I have a saison from the swap from Pretty Things. That is sad.

I actually like Tank 7 given it is at least reasonably dry and spicy. Seems like a hard thing for a commercial brewery to really dial in here in the states given the love of fairly clean ale yeasts. Especially if they are being told to ferment at outlandish temps like many homebrew saisons seem to be heading.

[quote=“mchrispen, post:19, topic:21697, username:mchrispen”]

And 8 1/2%  ;D