Thanks Everyone

I just want to thank everyone here for being so friendly & letting a “NOOB” ask basic questions, without getting R.T.F.M.

I am excited as this weekend i will make a Red Ale beer (yeast is Safale S-04). A more basic recipe (not all grains). I will post back with what I did & how (beer report) & then again in 3-5 weeks after I get to drink it.

On that note - does anyone have a basic Beer Report (non-pdf) I want to upload it to my Google Docs accounts to keep my beer log online.  That way I do not have to “recreate” the wheel.


you’re welcome
you have many options for what you are trying to do. i have played with many. 
beer tools pro
beer calculus etc

if you have an iphone, there is a cheap app called brew pal. you can make your recipe, batch on it then send it as an email for your log.  I like brewtarget the best because it prints in the format i like where i can do my own calcs.  but they are all worth playing with.

Anytime holzster. Your Welcome.

I have beerpal on my iphone which is a great program. I also want to recommend Beersmith which uses .bsm files.

Good Luck!