Timing of fruit additions

I am not a big fan of fruit in my beer but my wife did make a request.  I thought since the last 100 beers were for me I can concede this one time.

The idea is using a pale ale as a base and adding fresh pineapple.  My question is when do I add it?  I was thinking 75% during the last 15min of the boil then the rest post fementation for 5 days.

I wouldn’t add the pineapple to the boil, I would do it all in secondary until the gravity stops changing.  I think you’ll get better flavor and aroma that way.

The main reason not to boil fruit is because it sets the pectin and gives you a permanent haze, but I seem to remember that pineapple has very little pectin.  Plus I think it has an enzyme that breaks down gelatin, I’m pretty sure I read not to try to make jello with it.

Anyway, that’s just me.