I know I’m not the only Unibroue fan around these parts. I noticed that WY3864 is being released as one of the fall PC yeasts, and thought I’d pass it along. I know Farmhouse has it in stock, so check your favorite Wyeast dealers.
I know you have been bringing these out. Sending you a big thanks for this. I did resurrect my old yeast and have kept it going. Love that strain and I will get a fresh stock. I remember talking about it with you in the spring. A huge thanks and it is no doubt my favorite B strain.
we got to pick the PCs last year, but this year it’s all Wyeast. I want to look into them taking suggestion s from this forum for next year. No promises.
Yeah, I bought two packs last week and pitched some into a Tripel yesterday afternoon. I’m going to try to get 3 batches per pack, unless I get sick of it before then.
I can’t get sick of this yeast, especially my Triple. That said I only brew it a few times a year. [emoji4]
Now that I received 2 fresh snacks yesterday, I hope to use it in a few different styles.
I started mine at 68° and let it finish at 72°. This morning, which is 7.5 days after pitching, the Tilt hydrometer was reading 1.007. There’s still a small amount of air lock activity though.
Mine went from 1.071 to 1.010 in 5 days in upper 60s average as stated. It hasn’t shown any signs of fermentation in a week. I just racked it yesterday. It’s very hazy – probably my own fault/recipe. I’ll be adding gelatin tonight. Tastes phenomenal – dry, clove, “Belgian” phenols, and lets the malt come through.
This was a split batch with the Danstar/Lallemand Abbaye in the other half. The Abbaye by comparison is just bad – huge apple ester, no phenols, solventy, none of the lovely malt flavor. Very clear though, no haze. Same boil, same everything, only difference was the yeast pitched. I dumped it down the drain, it’s gone. I could drink it, but it wasn’t anywhere close to as great as the 3864. FG was identical, 1.010. Same fermentation conditions, same everything. But it was not good at all, not worth keeping or even blending or souring or anything else. Also I had played with the Abbaye previously, with same results, dumper. I’ll never use that yeast again.
It’s been so long since I’ve had any success with a Belgian. WLP530 has given me mixed results over the years, sometimes excellent, other times not. I’ve also tried 3787 and 3944, which didn’t impress me either. None as great as this 3864, except for one time with WLP530 where it scored 41. Haven’t been able to duplicate that though. I like to think I’m learning… but I think I’m just lucky, unlucky, lucky, unlucky, ad nauseum.
I doubt it, that yeast just doesn’t clear very well. Do a Google image search for Fin Du Monde; it’s a hazy beer.
I didn’t dump the batch I tried with dry yeast (it was the Safbrew BE-256), but it wasn’t great. I’ve pretty much stopped using dry yeast entirely.
I love 3787. It’s probably what I use most frequently. Omega Triple Double is supposed to be the same strain, but I wasn’t impressed with it and am going back to the Wyeast version.