I love the oatmeal stout recipe in Brewing Classic Styles. Rather than roasting the oats has anyone ever tried putting them in a smoker? I’m thinking something like oak, not too strong. The smoker should give you the same roasted taste plus some smoked character… Right?
Depends on the smoker. I cold smoke my grains, so no roasty character there. Let us know how it turns out
I think you’d want to hot-smoke them then. Or maybe just roast them in a sheet pan on your grill with a small smoke box going.
IMO, it will probably be tough to hit the right balance of smoke and roast. You may be better off roasting some and smoking some separately, then blending them in the recipe according to your palate.
I have a propane smoker (Hank Hill would be proud of all the propane I use). Yeah I think a blend of smoked and roasted may be better. I’ll experiment.
When I was searching for recipes they all used smoked malts and never smoked oats, I guess because you can’t buy them.