Planning on a German pils using Best Malz pils malt for the first time.
Doing a batch of my summer ale this weekend. It’s a non-wheat, crisp, clean, reasonably high gravity, knock you on your backside if you’re not careful, ale, that despite me usually making it during the summer, has gotten enough requests lately to do another batch even though it’s almost winter. I’m also kegging my apricot hefeweizen this weekend.
Summer ale? Do you live in the southern hemisphere???
If all goes as planned this week I’d like to brew a Wee Heavy on Sunday. Time will tell. 8)
10 gallons of Dry Stout. Simple recipe, 70% MO, 20% Flaked Barley, 10% Roasted Barley. Somewhere between 1.040-1.050 probably. Magnums at 60 minutes. Thinking 5 gallons on US-05 and 5 gallons on WY1469. Maybe keg the 1469 and secondary the US-05 on 2 lbs of high quality dark chocolate.
I am brewing Octobrefest/Marzen this Sunday.
I have a German yeast started so I am on German kick for next 4 brews.
I’m doing the all grain Bav.Helles kit from NB. Going to use my first starter on this one. Do you think 1 quart starter will be good? I’m using the wyeast 2308 munich. Also, would this be a good yeast to save for the stella clone kit or other european lagers?
Nope, in San Jose, California. I think my friends just want to reminded of the summer. Funny that ‘winter’ here is 50 degrees and the occasional shower. But I guess it’s a far cry from the 8 months of 80 degrees and perpetual sun.
I’ll brew a mild tomorrow to rack on the Nottingham yeast cake developed with my Happy Wife Pale Ale. I don’t usually rack a smaller beer onto a yeast cake, but I’m pressed for time and this will be my last chance to brew before Christmas.
You may want to at least consider chocolate extract instead. I know a lot of people (including Rogue) who prefer that.
Did an English IPA this morning. Used the yeast slurry from an ESB that I just racked. Doing a Helles Bock (decocted) tomorrow. Did I mention I’m off this week?
[quote]You may want to at least consider chocolate extract instead. I know a lot of people (including Rogue) who prefer that.
I’ve done it before and like the way the dark chocolate adds a very subtle dark chocolate flavor. Thanks, if I were ever to make a true Chocolate Stout, I’d definitely use the extract, but this is my tried and true method for my dark chocolate stouts. I believe I read that Sam Adams’ Chocolate Bock (not sure they even make it anymore) was aged in barrels lined in belgian chocolate and that is where I originally got the idea. I’m sure even nibs would work better, but “Go with whatcha know…”
8 gallons of IPA, 5 gall’s on 001 (my first time using it) and 3 gallons on 3787, should be a fun experiment; not to mention its only my 2nd ag batch; i guess saturday evening i will decide if it was “fun” or not
5 gallons of an organic dry stout… first time using repitched yeast. My wife a little unsettled by the mason jar of yeast from the porter I just kegged.
Nothing this week, but I am debating between a pale ale or an amber lager (American type a la SA) for my birthday brew next week. The only session beer I have is a Belgian pale ale, so I’m thinking I need to have another one kicking around for the not so distant future.
7 gallons of cyser and if the stars align 5 gallons of weizenbock.
Munich Helles. I make it every year around this time. I’m also going to brew an APA that I’ll put on nitro in a few weeks.
Brewed my first AG batch yesterday, a holday brown ale. All went fairly well and the airlock is going strong after 20 hours. Learning the temperature attributes of my mash tun will take many more batches. Time will tell. Brew well all.
Got a Blueberry Wheat Ale going for me right now - plan on brewing an IPA this weekend. Will be my second time using partial mash technique. Cheers!