Yup, that’s the question for you today - so what’s the answer?
I’ve got a few more things to transfer to avoid having to move any carboys.
Yup, that’s the question for you today - so what’s the answer?
I’ve got a few more things to transfer to avoid having to move any carboys.
Just made 8 gallons of cider last night and made a starter for biere de garde… maybe friday. Gotta bottle a red this week too.
Undecided - possibly a mead, maybe a Blegian dark strong or RIS. Really need to get those done ASAP, just not sure what is P.
I’m gonna do a batch of BVIP…those Hawaiian vanilla beans are forcing me into it!
EDIT: Change of [plans…I’m almost out of beer and I’m gonna do something that will be ready sooner…an APA of some sort.
Well, I kegged up my Christmas beer two days ago, and snook a taste last night. I think I’m gonna brew it again, but change the spices a bit.
I am bottling my Oatmeal Stout and doing my first AG batch, the Fuller’s ESB recipe from BYO. I also get to try my first batch, an Irish Red Ale.
None . . my brew season has concluded . . for this week! ;D
Kegging some FIL Helles and brewing 12 gal of Robust Porter
Brewing up Ten Cubed, an American Barleywine, for my birthday on Sunday 10.10.10: ten malts, ten hop additions, 10% ABV.
I’m planning on doing an American IPA today. My first ever!
Have to don my leadership cap and be in charge this weekend at work. No more brewing for the next several weeks. >:(
10 gallons of STPPA and 5 gallons of Holiday Porter.
No brewing this weekend. I am going to help judge beer at the Commander SAAZ Interplantetary Homebrew Blastoff in Coco Beach Florida. Should be fun.
Brewing up a house pale ale and designing a West Coast Red for next weekend!
I’ve got a DIPA I need to rack and get dry-hopping. It’s smelling pretty good already.
Gonna brew a dubbel I think
Kegging the RIS this weekend for sure. Finishing the kegerator is on the agenda. Also continuing to work on the Brutus 10.
Need to make two starters for my IPA next weekend.
Hey Drew, how bitter is your Buyer’s Remorse? I will keg a house red and maybe the X5 Helles. I may brew 10 gallons of American IPA with Magnum, Centennial, Cascade, and dry hop with Amarillo. Planning a brew with Ron (bluesman) over Thanksgiving. Either doppelbock or BDSA (a la Herman Holtrop on steroids 8)).
American IPA for me (Columbus for bittering; combination of centennial, cascade, and Amarillo for flavor/aroma additions).
I’ll also be finishing up my new kegerator:)
Hopefully a Blueberry Wheat Ale. Slightly modified. :D 8)
Oooooh… got a recipe? Seadog made a fantastic wild blueberry wheat that tasted like blueberry cobbler, that stuff was amazing, I’ve been trying to find a clone recipe for a while, to no avail.