What's Brewing THis Weekend - 7/8 Edition

Whoops, my bad. Missed this yesterday with the onslaught of TT2.

Last weekend saw the generation of many new clean kegs.

This weekend sees me going to the Falcons meeting to see if I can’t empty a few more!

Teaching the wife how to brew while the kid is at camp today and I’m off.    …And yes she actually asked me to teach her. She chose a porter, so a porter she’s a brewing.  May also brew an apa on Sat.

Kegging a Belgian Pale Ale. Washing the yeast cake in prep for a Quad next week. Also making a modification to one of my brew kettles and some general brewery organization. No brewing.

I am going to bottle a Gruit tonight and brew an Honey Brown Ale this weekend. I might even clean a keg or two. But mostly I am going to sample the Single Infusion/Batch Sparged Kolsch and compare it to the Step Mashed Kolsch.  :smiley:

Never done anything (intentionally) sour before.  I got some Wyeast Brett B and Brett L.  No idea what I’m doing with them yet (tentatively going to do something to a Patersbier already brewed with 3787) but I have no clue.  Hope I don’t screw it up too bad, these Brett strains are kinda expensive!

Heading to the wilderness for some camping this weekend, so brewing is on hold until next week. I did squeeze in an IPA yesterday though.

Not sure if I’ll have time to brew this weekend. If I do, it will probably be something light. Maybe a cream ale or a light APA.

I’ve been trying to hold off posting for something important, because this will be my 1000th, but this seems appropriate.

I am going to help brew 10 bbls of Smoked Porter on Sunday with my friend Craig at the Swamp Head Brewery in Gainesville.  Last weekend I smoked 150 pounds of pale malt over alder chips for this brew.
When we brewed this last year, the beer took runner up best of show in the Best Florida Beer Pro Competition out of 102 entries.

Looking forward to a hot, but interesting day at the pro level.

Wifey wants me to brew her a Witbeir so I’m gonna give Mike Dixon’s Wit or Witout recipe a go. It will be my first step mash so it should make for an interesting Sunday morning.  ;D

I can attest - that is one f-ing awesome beer.  Wish I could get some!

I think I tried that at Sunshine Challenge last year…but that night is a bit of a haze.  I definitely remember Swamp Head was my, and many others, favorite brewery of them all.  Sounds like fun!

I’m doing a Stone sublimely self righteous clone.

‘Missed this yesterday with the onslaught of TT2.’

So whats up with this? release coming soon? will we automattically be signed back up for it or have to go sign up again?

I got an email from the AHA with a link to sign up, which I did.  I subsequently got a confirmation email.
Looking on the AHA site and even doing a search there came up with nothing, so I think it’s invitation only for members by email  so far.

ok, Well I’m a member… I’ll check my mail later today to see if anything came in…If not I’ll start bugging these moderator folks.  ;D

The black IPA I was supposed to brew last weekend…

Well, I have four buckets of Belgian triple in the fermenteezers, (two with Brett in them), I have four more buckets on week 2 in the cellar (German Ale and IPA) and I am carbonating four kegs… no… no brewing this weekend. I am out of “vessels”

oatmeal stout yesterday.  Dry stout today, then did some bottling, and I’m thinking strong scotch ale on Sunday.

Kegged up a bopils last night using my newly constructed carboy cap contraption to transfer under pressure.  Pretty neat.  No brewing though this weekend.  I had planned on making another batch of the CAP but I have too much other stuff to get caught up on around the house.

SWMBO is back in San Diego for the birth of our first grandchild ;D.  So…Bachelor Grandpa is doing a Berliner Weisse and smokin’ a bunch on the Brinkman.