I got the valentine brews…
Actually i have a club meeting… which reminds me… I need to buy beer for it!
What about you?
I got the valentine brews…
Actually i have a club meeting… which reminds me… I need to buy beer for it!
What about you?
Thinking about brewing a Rye IPA but not sure it will happen. brewed that last two fridays and have lots of beer to bottle/keg and friday night/saturday morning is the only timeframe in the week I have to sleep as much as I can stand.
but kegging/bottling a scottish 60/- and if it is ready kegging a wit beer.
Kegging my Scottish 80/-. Bottling my RIS and BSDA kegs. And kicking off a Traquair style Scottish Heavy…
Doing a clone of Heretic’s Tafflebully on Friday. Been a couple weeks since I brewed so I am looking forward to it!
Baltic Porter brewing
Kegging 10 gallons of steam beer
Bottling 10 gallons each of English IPA, Scottish 70/-, and Brown Porter
ESB will be brewing on Saturday.
Looking like a Belgian Quad. Did a Belgian Pale as a starter for it a couple weeks back.
Probably just watching the bubbles in the fermenters this weekend. Also, I need to kill some kegs that are close to kicking to make room for the next ones.
Toasted oatmeal stout for St. Patty’s Day. Will also try to bottle a cider.
The set up is done for a Munich Dunkel tomorrow morning. Last lager of the season.
Doing ales will now be quick and easy by comparison.
kegging my english-ish ipa.
I’ve got a Warrior Pale Ale to brew plus a mead that needs racked over again.
Playing Army, so no brewing, but quite a bit of drinking!
Imperial IPA
jeffy’s key lime mead
Nothing this week. Going out of town to visit my wife’s friend and her new bf. I may bring some of my Perle/Saaz hopped blonde ale. It will be have been conditioned a day short of 2 weeks on saturday so we’ll see. I’ll crack one open tomorrow just to see how it’s coming along.
Well, I had 4 kegs kick in the last week, so quite a bit of cleaning to do. And brewing a Steam beer.
Kegging 10 gallons of Munich Dunkel and harvesting a pint of yeast for next week’s Dortmunder. It will be the 7th pitch of this yeast. I’ve never gone this far with one yeast so we’ll see how it goes. Then of course cleaning the fermenter. My least favorite task of the day. Cheers!!!
Kegging 2 beers but no brewing this weekend. I have too much painting to do in the basement.