As I sit here with a dog next to me and pondering what the hell happened to make me sick yesterday, I ask what are you about to brew?
Well, nothing with bizarre additives this time…I’ll be brewing another NHC beer, my Waldo Lake amber, this Sun.
Hope you’re feeling better!
Brewing up some Oktoberfest so its got a good lengthy lagering period and is perfect for september/october time frame.
spending some time in the garden. Maybe bottle some barrel aged saison. Maybe transfer some rye stout to the barrel afterwards. lots of maybe’s no brewing.
Not brewing this weekend but I am brewing an American Dark Lager as I type. 75 into the boil. Geez, better go!
No brewing plans, yet. It’s too nice out right now. I have two batches in primaries that I need to check on. Other than that? Mowing the yard for the second time this year already. ::) and getting ready for my wife’s family to all show up on Easter weekend.
Think I’ll brew a light ale as an easy drinking batch to also start a good harvest of Thames Valley II from on Sunday.
Couple more pilsners on Sunday/Monday.
Not this weekend, since I’m running a Firkin Festival Saturday. 14 Firkins, 20 breweries, over 1000 people.
Moving today.
All my beer stuff is at the office–gawd, do I have a lot of stuff!
3 coolers, 2 SS boil kettles, grain mill, 2 HD buckets, 3 fermentation buckets, 4 sundry supplies boxes, 200 lbs of grain, two beer fridges, etc.
Took over the office fridge to store all my beer bottles and yeast slurries.
Took over the supply closet to store all my kegs.
This is a hobby, right? ;D
No brewing for me this weekend either. Kegging some stout and cleaning equipment in preparation for our first club brew session next weekend.
10 gallons of BoPils in preparation for a family party in June. I also have 10 gallons of APA that needs to be kegged.
IIPA for my birthday 8)
For April Fools Day (Sunday), I will brew my 58th iteration of my house favorite - Nearly Nirvana Pale Ale. This was the beer that really got me deep into the hobby. Some 15 years ago I was enjoying a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, and I first asked myself how I might go about cloning it. After 9-10 trys, I had it pretty dialed in and I then thought, how can I make this “my beer”? What would I like to change? So I started changing one facet of my brewing process at a time. Doubled the Crystal, removed the Crystal. Substituted Munich, then tried Veinna, CaraPils, Cara Munich. Or used a different mash temp, added more base grains, used different yeasts, etc. I learned more by doing this than a lot of reading.
This weekend it will 20 pounds Marris Otter, a pound of Munich, Vienna, Wheat and Crystal 60o. Perle hops for bitterness and Cascade for flavor and aroma. Likely dry hop for a few days with something playful (Citra? Amarillo?). I’ll split a 12 gallon batch and use WYeast 1056 in one, and the new White Labs San Diego yeast in another. I will keg up one for National Homebrew day and likely bottle up the rest for gifts and club meetings.
I’m sick too, Drew…no fun, man. Not going to brew anything this weekend, but I will be making a starter for an upcoming N. German Pils.
I’ll also be celebrating my daughter’s first birthday. 8)
No brewing. Lots of taste testing perhaps. I need to see how my all-cascade amber is coming along. Been conditioning just shy of 3 weeks. This is the first batch I decided to use a priming sugar calculator. I had one at the two week mark and I’m happy with it. Definately needed some more time. Next time I think i’ll give this one a hoppier kick.
It’s the last day of March, so I need to make my Marzen Oktoberfest - I will be harvesting slurry from a prior Munich Helles - WLP 860 strain…
i’ll be brewing another wheat porter on sunday and am planning for a centennial/amarillo apa on tuesday.
No brewing this weekend; judging the first round of NHC northeast region on Friday night and leading a hawkwatching trip Sat/Sun.
Brewing Lee’s Mild from The Craft of Stone Brewing book today. It’s a 1.040, 14 IBU Mild. It will be a nice beer to build up the WLP007 for other, bigger beers.