What's Brewing This Weekend - 3/23 Edition

More time off the clock, more beer to be made!

What’s being made in your homestead?

no brewing. working overtime on saturday. Maybe keg the dry stout I brewed last weekend, maybe not. Maybe bottle a barrel aged ‘Saison coconut extraordinaire’ (1.090 og with coconut sugar) maybe not. At a minimum I think I will be cleaning a keg and de-labeling some bottles.

Maybe label some bottles also. My wife has been getting into linocuts and has made a couple of really good ones that I will be using as labels.

Prepping entries for NHC…and cutting my grass for the first time this year. The weather has been very mild this past winter.  :slight_smile:

No brewing this weekend.

Yep, same here.  NHC entries being packaged up tonight and shipped tomorrow.  The wife’s going out of town this weekend so I’ll be spending the time chasing the kids around.

Doing 10 gallons of Rye Stout, and bottling 10 gallons of Milk Stout.

Making a Mild with 2/3 munich malt.

Probably bottling my Honey Brown Porter as well…

Oh, and taste testing my Altbier, now that it has been in bottles for about 3 weeks.

Going to Disney with the family, so nothing brewing the next week or so. Gotta swap out the airlock on my carboy before I go though as it is filled with yeast barf. I was sick with the GI bug last weekend and it appears that my dunkelweizen was blowing chunks as well. Nothing on the floor or ceiling though, so no harm/no foul.

Making my first stab at a Kölsch and also doing a Belgian IPA.  It will be a long (but great!) Saturday…

Doing a batch of Saison split between two different Belgian yeasts I just picked up. It’s mainly to use the new American Farmhouse ale strain (WLP 670) but it’s getting so nice out I want to have a nice saison to drink in the warm weather.

Bottling my NHC entries, and heading over to my brother-in-law’s to help him brew a hefeweizen.

I’ve got four batches that need to be kegged, but I’d also like to get my quad brewed.

We’ll see.  It’s doubtful.

Finally getting around to bottling my Irish Red on Sunday.  No brewing until the first weekend in April it looks like.

20 gal of Hefe with Col. Dustjacket on Sunday.  Frauline Dustjacket demands it. ;D

Kegging my Surly Bitter Brewer from NB, and brewing the Surly Furious from NB on top of the cake.

Doing a bunch of kegging, dry hopping, and transferring today. Friday, going to be brewing up my second attempt at a Bo. Pils. Got the starter going today.

Kegging a Rye IPA and Porter.  Brewing an APA due to the unusually warm weather.

Taking next week off from work, I have kegs to clean, beer to rack and I’d like to get two batches in. I’m thinking of something new to me… a Maibock and a Kolsch.

Bottled some NHC entries today.  3 more to go.  Then get the labels and packing done.

Did 10 gals of APA today, thinking of a Belgian Pale tomorrow and a milk stout on Friday.  I had big plans to be making lagers now.  80 degrees today.  Way too warm in the “cold” room.

Going to brew the second of two beers I’m brewing for my brother’s May wedding.  This one will be my House American Amber, which is based on Jamil’s Evil Twin.

I’ll also be kegging my House IPA and a Munich Dunkel.